There are numerous strategies that can help with weight loss and weight management.
Some of these are dietary and some are lifestyle-based, you will need to do both if you want to continue with any new eating and exercise habits to support your health.
These 20 are our favourite to keep you on track:
- Prioritising protein at every meal will optimise satiety and prevent hunger and cravings. It will also protect against loss of lean tissue, help maintain metabolic function, maintain optimal iron status and a healthy immune function.
- Have the mindset that this healthy eating plan is for the rest of your life, so you must enjoy and feel good about what you are eating. Don’t tell people you are on a diet as some might try to sabotage your efforts. Try to use the term “food plan” which implies it is something you don’t come off like you would a diet.
- Clean out your fridge and pantry regularly and throw out all leftovers that do not comply with your eating plan. Get rid of cakes, desserts, packaged refined goods and chocolates that might tempt you in a weak moment. It is better to have them go into the rubbish bin than onto your waist.
- Packaged soups are generally very high in thickeners and carbs so learn how to make your own. Similarly, many “diet” products have little or poor quality protein, are low in fat but high in carbohydrates, especially sugars. Stay away from them!!
- Never pick at other people’s (especially the kids) food. The rule is: if it isn’t on your plate it doesn’t belong to you, so don’t eat it because it is extra calories and a distraction. If you have other people living in the house, ensure they pack away their food in containers and out of your sight.
- You must be accountable for everything you consume. Remember that one tiny indulgence or slip-up each week may be enough to halt your progress. Two or more indulgences could mean weight gain. But any slip-up does not mean failure, treat it as a learning opportunity.
- The longer you keep recording what you eat and drink, the more successful you will be in creating the lifelong habits necessary to manage your ongoing weight. Commit to sticking to your plan for at least one year. First you make your habits and then your habits make you.
- Chew your food and put down your knife and fork between each bite. This helps you think about eating mindfully and also gives your food a little extra time to digest before you start feeling full.
- Plan to prepare main meals that get served on a plate (eg protein and greens) and eaten with knife and fork, instead of choosing foods you can eat with your hands like burgers and chips.
- Always keep a few filled water bottles in the fridge. Never leave home without one. Drink water before a meal which will give you a fullness feeling and keep your fluids up with black coffee or green tea as well as water or no-calorie drinks.
- Aim for a minimum 12-hour break between your last meal of the day and your first meal of the next day. If you have dinner at 8pm then your first meal in the morning should not be before 8am.
- Be strong and don’t let others upset you or your plans. Never walk away from a negative person, run as fast as you can. If you have friends and/or family who are supportive and listen to you, stay in touch with them on a daily basis if possible. Plan to hang around with people who have the same aspirations as you do.
- Keep busy with non-food related tasks and keep out of the kitchen as much as possible. It might be a great time to start a new hobby or craft, learn a language, read a book, go for a long walk in nature – find what you love to do.
- Find a buddy to exercise with, especially for morning walks. If you don’t have a friend who lives close by to walk with, take (lend or buy) a dog!
- In your diary pre-schedule all your next month’s exercise and coaching sessions and don’t let anything get in the way. Simply say: “Sorry, I have an appointment at that time I need to go to.” Don’t forget to add variety in your exercise routine and include some cardio and some strength work.
- Consider putting a motivating photo of yourself in a prominent position. This could be your most recent, or your most or least favourite photo. If you don’t have a photo, ask your partner or a friend or one of our coaches to take photos for you (front, back, side and face). A quick selfie is fine.
- Setting and achieving a big important goal is a great source of inner happiness. Keep a mental picture in your head of how you want to look and feel in 12 months’ time. Have a vision of your future self and do and say the things your future self will do and say. Create a vision board, meditate, do whatever it takes to put you in your future-self state.
- Divide your year mentally into 4 quarters – perhaps by season. Set a goal for the next season and focus on a specific plan for that time with a desired outcome. It may be to be 5 kilos lighter or to fit into a one size smaller dress and jean size.
- Try to wear your tightest clothes to keep you physically focused. Get rid of any clothes in which you can hide. Regift or recycle.
- Good sleep health is essential. Aim for 7 – 9 hours a night and your hormones, energy levels, self-control, decision-making abilities and metabolism will thank you, as well as your waistline and the number on the scales.
Implement one or two at a time. We call this habit-stacking – until eventually you won’t need to think about them, they will be automatic.
If you would like to get started on our 8 week weight loss program which incorporates low-carb eating click on the Lose Weight Now button at the top of the page. You will get the proven step-by-step program with online support and accountability.
Remember, nothing tastes as good as being slim feels.