December 21


The very thought of trying to lose weight is actually scary for some people. 

Most people associate losing weight with deprivation, hunger, or cravings. It’s not seen as an easy thing to do and certainly not sustainable. Let’s face it – how many times have you gone on a diet, or tried to exercise yourself slim?

How many of these statements would you agree with?

*I have always had a weight problem. 

*I put on a few kilos or more after having children and can’t seem to lose it.

*I’m too busy and don’t have time to take care of my weight and health.

*I have always had a negative association with food and use food for comfort.  

* I know what I should be eating but don’t have the motivation to stick to an eating plan.

* I’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work for me.

*I can’t imagine ever being slim.

*Everyone in my family has big bones.

If there was a way to look at losing weight in a different way, would you be interested to learn how? 

“If you can Imagine it, you can achieve it”

Visualisation is often referred to as a mental rehearsal where you practice what you want to achieve in your mind, repeating the exercise regularly, at least daily. Like your muscles when you exercise, your mind and body attract the things you are visualising. 

Some benefits of visualisation include:

  1. Helps build motivation to take what steps are necessary to achieve goals.
  2. Programs the brain to look for things we may need or actions we need to take to achieve our goals.
  3. Activates the subconscious brain and helps create new ideas or ways of doing things.
  4. The law of attraction brings into our life people, resources or experiences required to achieve your dreams.

For many, the confidence gained from visualisation can help in many facets of life, including losing weight. It helps you gain a sense of mastery in doing things and reduces fears of failure and anxiety that can build up.

When we visualise, the brain creates a new neural pathway which builds consistency between what we visualise and the actions our body will then take.

Thoughts actually become things. Thoughts, either positive or negative can create or stimulate hormones like cortisol and dopamine. They become things.

Many athletes and public speakers are renowned for using visualisation techniques to help them achieve maximum results or make breakthroughs. We can all learn from these people, no matter how big or small our goals are.

You may recall seeing gold medallists being interviewed after stepping down from the podium, saying something like “Every morning for the past 3 years I have clearly visualised winning my race, stepping up on the podium, bending over to receive my gold medal, singing the national anthem and looking up to see my proud crying parents in the stands. I felt it every day as I visualised it.”

If you’re willing to try some visualisation these techniques may help you get started:

  1. Find a quiet place, either lying down or sitting up (with a straight back) and allocate 5 – 15 minutes of your time.
  2. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths in and out through your nose. Breath counts could be 6-10 seconds in and 6-10 seconds out. Another option is count to 4 breathing in, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds and hold for 4 seconds before repeating. Some people prefer to take longer on the out breath, breathe in for 6 seconds and out for 8 seconds. Experiment and find what works for you. The aim is that after 10+ cycles you should feel calm and relaxed.
  3. Now is the time to put your future goal in mind. Your future self feels grateful for where you are, who you’re with, what you are wearing, what everyone is saying to you, how happy and excited you are that you have reached your goal and are celebrating with the people you love to be with. Sense all the wonderful feelings you will have and how feeling this way has made a positive difference to your life and those you love. 

You are visualising everything you want in your future as if it is happening now, in the present tense.

Congratulations, you have just completed your first visualisation.

Having a vision statement at the start of your program and using this technique of putting yourself forward in time is helpful in achieving a significant goal. Make this statement as emotive as possible. It may also include a particular dress or piece of clothing that you see yourself in, the people important to you with whom you are celebrating, and a possible dream location.

Visualisation can be used to help us enjoy our lives with this easy-to-do important habit. It will probably have an enormous impact on your life, so why not start today? It’s free!

Don’t be scared. If you aim for the moon, you may get over the fence.

There is never a better time to set a goal than now.


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