August 26


The Be – Do – Have Process for Successful Weight and Wellness

If you have tried to lose weight in the past you will probably remember saying something like, “When I have lost 10 kilos, I will be able to enjoy buying clothes again, and will be more confident.”

This is based on the traditional thinking that the outcome is the prime motivator, but it is very hard to maintain motivation unless this motivation is intrinsic (internal).

If you are going to start a health change program it needs to happen on the inside first. Then your chances of achieving your goal and getting maximum benefit will be far greater.

This means there must be an attitude and mind shift to occur so you can enjoy the kind of health or life you want. 

Let’s look at this 3-step process to success for anything you want to achieve:

“If you want to get more, you have to become more.” – Jim Rohn

Step 1: Be the person you want your future self to be

Get out a pen or computer and write your Vision Statement. It’s like a short movie script of your future desired self, but written in the present tense, as if it has already happened.

Your vision statement and goal setting should include how you feel (happy, content, confident), how you look (appearance, weight, size, health, specifics), your mood (cheerful), outlook (optimistic), whom you’re with (friends and family), ambition (personal and business), inspiration (eg to be a good role model for my children/grandchildren) and perhaps a special occasion (celebrating your 50th birthday).

Ensuring that your purpose and intentions are in-line with your values will help your desire to succeed. It will build your attitude, your self-image and help you stay on-track. 

Remember to practice self-compassion not self-judgement.

To help in acting, doing and feeling like your future self, have your vision statement written down and put in a prominent place to be read morning, noon and night.

Step 2: Do the things your future self does

What are the things you need to DO to be that person? Some suggestions include:

  • Stop thinking and start doing
  • Create a daily schedule
  • Allocate time for self-development, actions to support your future self, more rational, analytical and focus on getting things done, even little tasks
  • Move from being a victim to taking action, and getting self-control
  • Accept responsibility and hold yourself to account
  • Let go of blame, either yourself or others
  • Reduce decision fatigue by reducing daily choices like “What to wear today?”  Make the process easy – not hard
  • Set a time to schedule and pre-plan your week and manage expectations of time
  • Find an accountability partner or coach 
  • Have fun and maintain a positive outlook
  • Keep your eye on the process – not the goal
  • Focus on the small actions you take that will eventually lead to BIG results – your goal

Above all – Do with passion.

Step 3: Have your new life as your future self

You now have what you want and have realised your true potential. This could include:

  • Being at your best weight and enjoying better health
  • Living your life mindfully and intentionally
  • Having healthy habits that are easy and sustainable
  • Being grateful for quality and focused time with family and friends
  • Having the health, friendships, freedom, security
  • More productive and less re-active

It’s always good to re-assess your results and are you happy with them? If you have achieved your weight and wellness goals and these are now easy and doable and now part of your life – it may be time to use this process on another area of your life.

Greater happiness, satisfaction and improved quality of life is achievable for all.

If you Be and Do long enough then you will Have.


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