October 21


Do you need to drink 8 glasses of water every day for better weight loss results?

There’s plenty of controversy around this question. When reading the points below, you can interchange the words water and hydration. 

Here are some things to consider and try:

  1. We all need to stay hydrated for optimal health, temperature regulation, maintaining our metabolism and optimal bowel comfort.
  2. Bigger people need more water than smaller people.
  3. People in hotter climates and in low-humidity caused by air-conditioning have greater water needs.
  4. Exercise increases water needs.
  5. If you’re aiming to lose weight or keep it off, water is calorie free. 
  6. Quenching your thirst with water may remove the inclination to quench your thirst with drinks that contain carbohydrates, fats or alcohol.
  7. Water does not stimulate insulin, the hormone associated with fat storage.
  8. Although 8 glasses (250 ml each) a day is an arbitrary goal, a good way to monitor your hydration status is to check how clear your urine is. If it’s yellow, especially dark yellow, you may want to increase your daily water intake. Be aware that some vitamins cause your urine to go yellow.
  9. Although thirst is a good indicator that we need to drink water, our thirst mechanisms seem to dissipate as we get older. Nurses attending to elderly patients learn to pinch the skin on the back of the hand. This will show skin turgor. Mild dehydration will cause the skin to be slightly slow in its return to normal.
  10. It’s an urban myth that tea and coffee dehydrate. They do add to your hydration, however coffee may stimulate the bladder. If you like coffee in summer, try an iced coffee with a short black poured over a glass full of ice cubes.
  11. If your bladder wakes you during the night, aim to drink most of your water during the day and keep a glass by the bed.
  12. Soups, broths and protein shakes all count as water serves.
  13. Green leafy vegetables and low-sugar fruits add to your hydration without adding excess carbs and calories, as long as you do not juice them. Juicing concentrates calories and removes fibre.
  14. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, remember to “drink water for thirst and grog for flavour”. If you want to lose weight, limit alcohol and never drink it for thirst.
  15. When setting the table, always set out glasses of water and a water jug.
  16. Tap water is fine in Australia and New Zealand. It’s free. However, if you prefer filtered, sparkling or soda water, they are fine too.
  17. Keep water chilled in the fridge.
  18. Keep water bottles in the car.
  19. Keep a water bottle at your desk or workplace.
  20. Pack a water bottle in your gym bag. Keep it with you during workouts.
  21. Hopefully your eating plan is very low in processed foods and sodium. As you mainly eat fresh foods you may wish to add some iodised salt to maintain electrolyte balance. Do not exceed 1 teaspoon a day. If you have high blood pressure, ask your doctor if you are salt sensitive.
  22. If you are prone to headaches or fluctuating energy levels, try upping your water through the day.
  23. Record your fluid (water) intake. It’s the best way for you to monitor your fluid intake and the effect it may be having on your weight loss efforts, health and wellbeing. 

Here’s a plan to get enough water each day

  1. Wake up and drink a glass of water – 250 ml
  2. Plain or herbal tea, or coffee – 200 ml
  3. Glass of water with 1st meal – 250 ml
  4. Plain or herbal tea, or coffee – 200 ml
  5. Protein shake – 250 ml
  6. Soup, broth or water with 2nd meal – 250 ml
  7. Protein shake – 250 ml
  8. Soup, broth or water with 3rd meal – 250 ml
  9. Herbal tea – 200 ml

Spring, summer, autumn, or winter, keeping hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your weight and the largest organ on your body, your skin.

If you would like help on your weight loss journey click on the Lose Weight Now button at the top of the page to get started.


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